Nearly half of U.S. adults try to lose weight throughout the year, according to the Centers for...
The flexitarian diet is one that encourages a vegetarian diet most of the time, but has flexibility...
Eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains Limit fat-free or low-fat dairy products Moderate consumption of fish,...
Natalia LavrenkovaGetty Images Striving to fit a certain body image is out, achieving total body wellness is...
Inadequate pollination has led to a 3-5% loss of fruit, vegetable, and nut production and an estimated...
So, what’s on the menu this New Year’s Eve? Whatever you want, TBH. Whether your tastes run...
A new study indicates that eating a low-fat, vegan diet could decrease the risk of chronic illnesses...
Choosing a vegetarian diet is a lifestyle choice that can offer numerous health, environmental and financial benefits,...